Your account

How to edit my profile
To edit your profile, just follow the step-by-step instructions: Access your profile, in the bottom bar of the app;  Click on the "Edit Profile&q...
The username is the name you will use in our application. You can choose any username you want, but it needs to be unique for each user.  So, if your chose...
How to change your password
To change your password, just follow this step-by-step: Access your profile, in the bottom bar of the app;  Click on the settings icon in the upper ri...
How to activate and deactivate notifications
Our notifications help you stay on top of what's going on in the app, but we understand if you want to turn them off!  In order to do this, just follow...
How to delete your account
Are you sure you want to leave? :(  We'll miss you! If you really want to delete your account, you need to access your profile via the bottom bar of t...